you need to know before travel:
read this information carefully - it will explain what you
will need to do in the days leading up to your spring break
trip. Failure to read and follow these instructions may lead
to a less than satisfactory spring break experience. Note
that the information for domestic trips (Florida/Texas) is
different than for international trips (Mexico/Jamaica/Bahamas/Barbados).
You must have a passport to travel to/from any international
spring break destination. If you have not yet applied for
a passport, we highly recommend that you use a passport issuance
agency. If your passport is not received before your trip
and you are denied boarding, there are no refunds! There a
link in your online account that connects to Passport
Express, a passport issuance agency that can do it in
as little as 24hrs (provided you submit proper information
and payment). This link is also available on our site at the
"Travel Info" page of any international destination.
Flight Times: Flight times will be available approximately
7-10 days prior to your spring break weekend (and often sooner).
There is a link in your online account that says, "Flight
Times:" - when flight times are available, the link will
say, "Available."
Tickets: Approximately 3-7 days prior to your spring
break weekend (and often sooner), you will be able to print
out required travel documents from your online account (These
documents are not mailed to you). All customers must
print out these "E-Documents" from their online
account. There
is a link in your online account that says, "E-Documents:"
- when documents are available, the link will say, "Available."
These documents are critical
as they contain important travel instructions, airline e-tickets,
airport/hotel transfer information, hotel check-in vouchers,
and options vouchers (VIP Party Packages, Meal Plans, etc.).
Everything about your trip is addressed in these documents
(how to get a boarding pass, luggage restrictions, who meets
you in the destination airport, how to get your airport-hotel
transfers, onsite orientation, distribution of party wristbands
and options, and so on).
Forms: All travelers must complete and submit 1) a
reservation form, and 2) an online APIS form. Both forms can
be accessed from your online account. The reservation form
is printed, signed, and either faxed or mailed to the contact
information on the top of the form (if you fax your form,
please allow one day for processing before calling our office
to inquire about its receipt). The online APIS form asks for
your passport information. This information is government-required.
We realize that some travelers may not receive their passport
until shortly before their trip. Please complete this form
as soon as you have your passport information available. If
you are under 18 when you travel, you will need to carry a
signed and notarized consent form (available from the forms
section of your account). Do not submit this form to us -
you must carry it in your possession. You can see whether
you and/or your travel companions have submitted both of the
required forms - on the far right of the traveler name list
there are two columns (one for each form), if we have received
the form it will say, "Y," if we have not,
it will say, "N." **Please note: "E-Documents"
are not accessible by any member of the group until 1) all
forms are submitted, and 2) all balances are fully paid. This
means that one person with, say, a $10 balance or an unsubmitted
form, prevents the entire group from accessing their critical
travel documents. Please encourage your travel companions
to get everything in order so that your group isn't in a panic
in the days before your trip.
Hotel Check-In Documents: Approximately 3-7 days prior
to your spring break weekend (and often sooner), you will
be able to print out required hotel check-in documents from
your online account (These documents are not mailed
to you). All customers must print out these "E-Documents"
from their online account. There
is a link in your online account that says, "E-Documents:"
- when documents are available, the link will say, "Available."
These documents are critical
as they contain important check-in instructions, hotel check-in
vouchers, and options vouchers (VIP Party Packages). Everything
about your trip is addressed in these documents (what time
to check in, what to do if you are going to arrive late for
check-in, how to get an onsite orientation, distribution of
party wristbands and options, and so on).
Forms: All travelers must complete and submit a reservation
form (the online APIS form DOES NOT apply to you, as you are
not traveling internationally and Florida trips do not include
airfare). The reservation form can be accessed from your online
account. The reservation form is printed, signed, and either
faxed or mailed to the contact information on the top of the
form (if you fax your form, please allow one day for processing
before calling our office to inquire about its receipt). You
can see whether you and/or your travel companions have submitted
the reservation form - on the far right of the traveler name
list there are two columns (ignore the one for APIS), if we
have received the reservation form it will say, "Y"
under that column; if we have not, it will say, "N."
**Please note: "E-Documents" are not accessible
by any member of the group until 1) all travelers submit their
reservation form, and 2) all balances are fully paid. This
means that one person with, say, a $10 balance or an unsubmitted
reservation form, prevents the entire group from accessing
their critical hotel check-in documents. Please encourage
your travel companions to get everything in order so that
your group isn't in a panic in the days before your trip.
Don't forget to add a VIP Party Package
(if you haven't already done so). You can add it up to two
weeks prior to departure.
Don't wait:
Party Packages cost more onsite.
- You
can pay now with a credit card (onsite you need cash).
- Call
1-800-367-1252 to add and then pay in your online account.
Whether you're going to Cancun,
Acapulco, or Mazatlan, the nightime VIP Party scene
will be held at the hottest clubs each destination has
to offer. Skip the lines, no cover, and open bar await
you - Be a VIP!
$219 (Details)
Acapulco $219 (Details)
Mazatlan $149 (Details)
MoBay (Montego Bay) and Negril
VIP Party Packages will have you partying under the
Jamaican stars. Grab a Red Stripe, kick off your sandals,
and check out some wicked Reggae vibes...
$219pp (Details)
Montego Bay $219pp (Details)
$169 VIP Package includes four (4) killer Open Bar Parties,
Caribbean Snorkel Cruise, and Spring Break Party Cruise,
featuring live DJ, contests and free drinks - and a $100
room credit for Spring Break 2009 also adds to the value!
City Beach:
$40 ultimate party card will give you free parties at
Panama�s hottest bars. You receive FREE T-shirt, FREE
souvenir mug, over 30 hours of unlimited free beer, free
cover charges, free drink nights, discounts, and more.
Sorry, no VIP Party Packages are available for Daytona, South
Beach, or Key West.
to log into your account:
Forgot your user ID and/or password? **You may retrieve your
login info from our login page by simply clicking, "I
forgot my password" and then entering your email address.
Your user name and password will be emailed to you.